The sun is shining as I write this, it is Friday evening, there is a sleepy dog curled up next to me, there is Prosecco in my future, and life is good.
I felt compelled to research what better writers than me have said about the month of May - my favourite quote is from Fennel Hudson:
“May, more than any other month of the year, wants us to feel alive.”
Feeling alive sounds pretty good to me. Much better than the alternative.
So, enough of the musing, I am sure you want to know how I got on in the wonderful month of May??
This month’s report card:
Weight loss: 0 (more about that later)
Birthdays: 1
10k races completed: 3!!
Minutes improvement in 10k race time: 1
In my last blog I mentioned my goal of completing one 10k per month in 2019. But recently I thought, why stop at one?? Why not do a 10k as often as possible/practical?? Surely doing three a month will be better than doing one a month - well, we shall see!!
The benefits of my new obsession with entering 10ks is firstly that I am running a lot of 10ks, and secondly, there is so much bling!! The downside is a reduction in lie in opportunities, but no pain no gain, right??
The three May races were:
Frimley 10k - 1 hour 13 - a bit of a slog and a not very exciting route.
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We earned these ice creams!! |
Vitality London 10,000 - 1 hour 10 (no walking) - a fantastic event, if you haven’t done it then you should!! After all, if it is good enough for Mo then why not?!
So the running is going pretty well. Although I do need to start pushing myself on parkruns as I did the first 5k of my last 10k faster than my usual parkrun pace which isn’t how it is supposed to be. (Since writing the above yesterday, I definitely did not push myself at Wimbledon Common parkrun this morning. 😳 Even "Mean Monica" nagging and pushing (actually pushing a couple of times) me all the way round didn't help. In my defence, I refer you to the earlier plan to drink Prosecco and the fact that it was very hot!!)
But the weight loss is non existent (even, dare I say it, negative) so I need a new approach if I am going to beat my parkrun PB by next April.
With this in mind, I have signed up to a 21 day body blitz programme starting on 10 June. It will be brutal but effective, and should help kick me out of my bad habits and towards some good ones. I’ll let you know how it went next month but hope to report some significant progress at last.
Now I am off to enjoy the sunshine.